PI Challenge – Final Results (Edited to Respond to Mabrick)

Edit: Mabrick responded to this post, and I want to share/respond to some of his thoughts, as I may have not been clear about some things. I made isk, 134m isk specifically. I did not lose any money on this. HS PI will MAKE YOU ISK! In Mabrick’s initial post, he gives a specific skill set. I DID NOT use this skill set. I tried to note this below, and in the previous posts, giving my skills, and revised estimates for how much might be earnable. Even given the above, based on my experience, Kao’s results, and Mabrick’s own writing, I stand by my claim: Mabrick’s original and revised amounts per month, and my own revised amount per month, are false given the current state of PI in High Sec. I did wholeheartedly try to make as much as possible, and was in no way trying to sabotage Mabrick’s claims. I only wanted to test them. I am in no way opposed to the “passive” playstyle. I have an alt that only does industry, and did this challenge. It is my opinion that for a brand new player, however, spending the first 2 months of the game training skills that Continue Reading →