Iterating Better Worlds

First, a minor point before I get started. The dev blog “Building Better Worlds” could have lifted the quote either from the Weiland Yutani Corporation logo from the Alien mythos, or the Operative from Serenity. In that movie the line is uttered by a character who believes he is helping create better worlds, but then finds out that his whole ideology was based on a naïve understanding of what his superiors were actually doing. I hope that was not what CCP was implying with the title… title from a few places. Ok, that out of the way, let’s get into it. After thinking and reading about the new industry changes that are coming I think there are a few sides to the topic that have not been talked about all that much. It all boils down to getting new players while holding on to the old ones. That is, after all, CCP’s business model. Access First, we don’t know exactly what the new cost will be for the new slot-less industry design. We know the range (0%-14%) and we know it is based on the price of the finished good (derived from the rolling average?). But we do not know Continue Reading →