Titans and Supercaps

Update: My original link went to the wrong post, so I fixed it. Over at 2nd Anomaly From the Left, I read an interesting post. Orakkus talks about potential ways to increase the multiplayer aspect of supercarriers and titans in order to make them, essentially, more of a logistical problem to use on the battlefield. He proposes a Voltron-like solution. It’s a very interesting idea. Doomsday FIIIIIIIIRE! After thinking for a few seconds, I thought why not take an in game model, strategic cruisers, and apply it to these behemoths? I leave figuring out skill system tweaks to others, but you would end up with something where multiple players would each control a portion of the Titan, and each portion could be targeted independently and have an impact on the overall performance of the Titan. The ship could function with less than the full crew, but with some form of penalty. Here is a sketch of the idea. Titan Roles Navigation – Controls flight, jumping, and movement related tasks. Gunnery – Controls the onboard weapon systems and the doomsday device. Engineering – Controls defensive and power/cpu related tasks. Communications and Electronics – Controls targeting and jump bridge operations. Would receive Continue Reading →