Blog Banter 77 – Hey guys, Eve is Dying! Again!
Blog Banter 77 – The Malaise Is there a malaise affecting Eve currently? Blogs and podcasts are going dark and space just feels that little bit emptier. One suggestion is that there may be a general problem with the vets, especially those pre-Incarna and older, leaving and being replaced by newer players who are not as invested in the game. The colonists versus immigrants? Is this a problem? Are there others? Or is everything just fine and it’s just another bout of summer “ZOMG EVE IZ DYING!” Another “Is Eve dying?” debate. Yeah, in some ways Eve is dying. It is an old game. Ancient, really, when you look at online games. Player count in unambiguously down. New player retention is poor, and it always has been. But I think simply looking at those metrics ignores some aspects of Eve. Mechanically, Eve is in the best place it has been since I started playing about five and a half years ago. It isn’t perfect. No MMO is perfect. But the devs continue to refine, improve and update all aspects of the game. This work appears to be ongoing with little sign of stopping in the near future. Structures are Continue Reading →