Diablo Loot 2.0 Review

You might have guessed that I have been playing a bit of D3 lately. You would be right. I even went so far as to pre-order Reaper of Souls, because D3 is scratching a mindless kill-fest itch I have been having lately. Since I’ve put a good chunk of time in over the last week, I decided I might as well give a snapshot review of D3 with Loot 2.0, as a bit of a baseline for when I play the expansion. For the record, I started playing Loot 2.0 with a 60 Barbarian with no Paragon levels, leveled a Wizard from about 20 to 31, and started a Witch Doctor up to about 10. The Good Loot The biggest part of the patch/update/whatever was, by and large, a success. On non-60 characters, the drops are wonderfully improved. Items get replaced left and right. Crafting yields lots of appropriate gear. I never had the moment of thinking “I really need to check the Auction House”, which was a relief, considering that was half of every play session last time around. On my 60, drops were ok. And by I ok, I do mean a damn sight better than before. But Continue Reading →