My Little Corner of the Cluster
So ice changes, they are a coming. Not sure how this is going to shake out. Jester wrote an interesting take on why it might be a good idea to remove ice from high sec in the long run, and why it’s ok for prices to go up. I disagree. First there is the problem of POSes. For small group and industrial groups working in non-null space, the cost and effort of maintaining POSes is not insignifigant, and any real consideration of running one has to balance the cost of fuel against the potential profits from running said POS. For a medium or large, this is already a bit of a constraint for some players, at least from an initial setup and first few months of run time. Especially if you live in HS or LS. In high sec you can only do so much at a POS, and in low sec you have to manage the supply chain of getting the damn blocks to your towers. You don’t have the same intel channels and blue donut protecting you. You also don’t have the same level of juicy targets to distract would-be attackers. Second, you have the issue of inflation Continue Reading →