Tonight was an interesting night. Whenever I log in on Grimmash, one of the first things I do is check the fleet finder to see if any gangs are out and about. While I have been trying, and failing, to figure out solo pvp in my frigs and destroyers, I find small gang to be both more enjoyable and more effective. By effective, I mean I might have to actually put more ammo in my ship at some point instead of learning if I insured it or not. Tonight started slow, with a few losses to bring my ego in check. Two destroyers and three frigates found the jump gate to the great FW hunting grounds filled with booze and good fights in various ways on April 1, 2013. I mostly blame my poor choice in engagements. I keep warping into plexes in situations I think I can handle and finding out the friendlies already popped, or that I misread the situation.
But that was not to be my only action on the Day of Fools! After licking my wounds, doing some *real* shit, and trying to find PvP videos to learn something from, I hopped back in game. It seemed some BC support was needed, so I quickly allocated and fit up a nice Myrm, only to learn that we were instead going for cruisers. Doh. At least I have a BC ready to fight now. Then the FC asked if anyone could fly logi. Lo and behold, I can fly any T1 logi cruiser, and I can even fly the T2 Caldari and Gallente versions. A few minutes later I was sitting in brand new Augoror with a few ideas and another Aug pilot depending on me.
Our roam starts, and we try to engage the Caldari in a few places, to no avail. I ask lots of questions on comms to try and not derp my way into a nice killmail for someone else. I finally get the basics of cap-chaining, repping and spot-boosting cap in order, just in time to jump into a TEST gang in Kedama. We did ok. Unfortunately for that fight, I had not learned the protip of assisting my drones to whore on the killmails. Cue the sad trombone. I get many thanks for being a not completely stupid logi pilot from the fleet, which was awesome. It’s always nice when you help your mates kill stuff and then get some credit for helping out.
Edit: Someone else like this fight, too.
The next fight I had learned how to get a little killboard credit for shooting friendlies with concentrated armor beams. We found a bunch of squids hanging out in a plex in Hikkoken. I’m starting to really like Hikkoken. Jump gate, warp to plex, warp the gate, get bacon. Also, get on the kill mails this time to prove I’m doing something.
Finally we ended up back in Nennamaila, only to find out a large group of Tornados were making our life tough. At this point we had three Augurors. The we had two, and only because the Tornados primaried the first, then split damage on the other logi pilot and me. Internet spaceship strategery ensued, and I called it a night, saving my blooded Auggie for another fleet.
Logisitics is fun. I really enjoy it. Although it may not have the satisfaction of making things pop, I get to manage a lot of things, and I get to keep my fleet mates in their ships. It also makes the roaming part of the roam more active. Every jump and warp had a little mental checklist to go down. Lock logis, establish cap. Am I anchor? Yes, get range on the proper target, No, get orbit range on the anchor. Lock up ancillary targets in case of hostiles. Repeat. There is a bit more than just listening to comms and trying to keep up.
I’ve tried to play healers in other games, and found the process to be much more hostile. In WoW, everyone was expected to just know a completely different play style, and the margin for error was nil. In Eve, the fleet listened, explained, and coached.
This is an odd characteristic I have noticed with Eve players. The gaming media loves to paint us as
psychotic sociopaths who delight in the anger of others. I have found, through most of my Eve career, that even your enemies are often willing to talk if you approach them the right way. Your fleet mates often want ot actively help you get better. Maybe this spirit lies the persistent world of Eve, maybe it lies in the fact that you are fighting other people instead of mobs, but there seems to be some sense of a desire to share knowledge with others in many aspects of the game. I think we lose sight of this quite often. We have all seen the learning curve of Eve.

Man one hell of a write up here. Love reading about your new FW exploits! I have to say you have picked up PvP quicker the most of our new to PvP members.
I can truly say you will make one hell of a director in our corp! Your blood lust fits so well with us!
Keep up the great job writing and cant wait to see more.
Also now that you gave a shout out to Kirith’s blog I have another blog to read.
Im such a reading whore…
It helps to have fleets that teach you a thing or two. Speaking of, when am I going to see you in an actual spaceship?
Tomorrow and/or tonight actually if your on. I have been dealing with Leadership stuff and work has been killing me with closing shifts so its been hard to get on at a good time.
After 7 years of Eve and most being pure PvP you will find me taking odd breaks here and there, most because of bad work timing or the fact that I found some other game to distract me for a couple days, or I find my self logging in for hours to go over leadership stuff lol.
But yeah I have been lazy as hell with PvP for a while, been playing Star Drive and Endless Space a ton and Star Trek Online. However I will be spending way more time in Eve coming up here.